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              States  of  America  with  their  families  as           Whether     American     people    were
              refugees.                                         supporting the war or were opposing it? Why?
                                                                       -Even  knowing  the  land  of  South
                     11.Who won the war? Why?                   Vietnam  is  a  critical  front  wall  to  stop  the
                     The  communists  had  been  carried  out   spreading of communism in the free world, but
              their cruel and uncivilian policies to break the   by  listening  all  false  misleading,  untrue,
              peace  treaty  in  signing  it.  Starting  1975,  their   fabricated,   unreliable   news   that   the
              troops  with  supplies  had  been    crossing  the   communists  used  to  creating  basis  for  the
              17   latitude  in  order  to  invade  the  South   propaganda  of  the  international  communism,
              Vietnam  by  their  Armed  Forces  to  take  over   the  Amercan  people  had  a  wrong  decision  of
              the  South  Vietnam.  This  was  truly  nationally   abandonment of supporting the war.
              and  internationally  unlawfull  and  very               -The  United  States  was  involving  in  a
              barbarous.  They  killed  a  lot  of  South       cold  war  with  the  Soviet  Union,  instead  of
              Vietnamese  people  who  were  afraid  of  them   involving in a war in Viet Nam.
              and  tried  to  run  away  before  their  troops
              arrival.  The  history  shows  the  North                14.How did the War ended?
              Vietnamese  people  were  poorer,  unhappier,            The  war  was  ended  on  April  30,  1975
              more  undernourished,  more  undereducated,       after the surrender order of the South VietNam
              generally  less  devlopped  than  the  South      President,  just  appointed  (not  voted  by  the
              Vietnamese  ones.  Yes,  they  won  a  very  dirty   people).  The  whole  story  shows  the  absolute
              war, and they failed all what they promised to    injustice for the South Vietnam because:
              provide happiness, comfortable life and liberty          a. When  the  communists  (specially
              to  the  people  and  failed  to  make  the  nation   China  and  Russia)  were  united  to  provide  all
              growing as the free world have been growing       support  of  North  Viet  Nam  Armed  Forces
              as  expected.  Right  now,  the  world have  been   personnels   with   new     and     powerful
              waking  up  and  seeing  the  Vietnamese  people   ammunitions, weapons, cannons, tanks …
              have been in poverty, with spreadful crime, no           b. While the US and all allies withdrew
              liberty at all. Internationally, commmunism has   their  forces  and  stopped  all  financial  and
              been failing everywhere, freeworld have been      material supports for the War.
              winning, The US and The South Vietnam have               That  why  the  day  of  April  30,  1975  is
              been eventually in the winning side.              commonly known as BLACK APRIL.

                     12.What were the difficult decisions the
              US had to make?                                                 BẢN DỊCH TIẾNG VIỆT
                     -Whether to accept the defeated South
              Vietnamese soldiers as refugees?                         1.Tại sao chiến tranh Việt Nam diễn ra?
                     -Whether to support South Vietnam or              Năm 1954, Việt Nam được tách thành 2
              North Vietnam?                                    khu vực chính trị là Bắc Việt, do Đảng Cộng sản
                     -Whether to continue to help the South     Việt Nam  lãnh  đạo  và Nam  Việt Nam do Việt
              Vietnam to fight or to stop supporting the fight   Nam Cộng Hòa lãnh đạo.  Chiến tranh bắt đầu
              and  return  home  to  keep  caring  out  a  cold   vì Bắc Việt đã phá vỡ hiệp ước đã ký.
                                                                       2.Hai bên là gì và các quốc gia khác hỗ
                     13.What was going on in the US before      trợ là gì?
              the end of Vietnam War?
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