Catholic Priest Nguyen
Thanh’s testimonies before
the US
United States
Congressmen and
Rev. Nguyen Thanh’s
testimonies about the
religious persecution in
I am
very touched, thankful and
appreciate that you kindly
give me this opportunity to
share some thoughts with
you, your constituents,
Americans and Vietnamese
people inside
Vietnam regarding the
human rights issues in
Vietnam. As the
former Catholic Chaplain of
the Marine Division of the
Republic of Vietnam Armed
Forces, after the fall of
Saigon on April 30, 1975, I
was imprisoned by the
communists for over 13
years. Until today, I still
do not understand why I was
able to survive through
those years in jail with
horrific ordeals in various
communist prisons. As a live
witness and also a Catholic
priest, I would like to
provide you with some solid
information and some
assessments about human
rights situations and
related issues, difficulties
and unbearable challenges to
my fellow people who are
currently live inside
these days which are still
being enriched with the
spirit of commemoration of
the black April of 1975
after the fall of Saigon,
Vietnamese refugees around
the world have been so
disappointed and also
extremely outrageous to the
Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)
because good citizens in
Vietnam, our original
father land, are still in
jails under CPV’s strict
custody. They are not
allowed to live freely, in
dignity and work freely in
their own country.
year, April 30th
is a very special
commemoration day that keeps
reminding us our most
painful incident in
Vietnam recent
history. The whole nation
has been completely
collapsed under the cruelly
steel-heeled shoes of the
CPV, millions of families
have been separated, more
than 3 million people had to
leave their own country,
over a million army officers
and administrative officials
have been imprisoned, almost
a million boat people have
been perished under the
stormy sea or in deep
dangerous jungles during
their highly risky escapes
by boat or by feet from
Vietnam to run away
from the CPV after the fall
of Saigon.
can Vietnamese people forget
the most heinous crimes of
the CPV against their same
blood citizens, hundreds of
thousands of peasants, lower
class and middle class farm,
land owners and workers have
been brutally killed during
the Land Reform Campaign in
Vietnam starting in
1956, thousands of innocent
people have been buried
alive in city of Hue during
Tet offensive 1968,
properties of millions of
families had been
confiscated (actually robbed
off with no compensations) .
They were forced to live
miserably in the starving
and deadly New Economic
Zones without required basic
governmental preparation and
assistance. I remember
vividly a “local PhD. in
Economics” (NXN), an
extremely arrogant master of
this idiot and completely
failed "New Economic Zones"
national policy. Now, he
stills shows his thick skin
by keeping to launch own
petty “economic articles”
and “preaches out loud” his
“free economic lessons” for
Vietnam and even for
the US. Are there any other
people on earth who still
have to suffer CPV’s
atrocious repressions like
Vietnamese for over 61
years, if we took 1945 was
the year when the
Indochinese Labor Party was
founded by the international
butcher and uneducated liar
Ho Chi Minh ?
ago, the whole world was so
sorrowful saying their last
farewells to the Late
Russian President, Boris
Yelsin, the one who
courageously stood up
straight on his army tank to
lead his fight against the
dogmatic coup leaders of the
Communist Party of
Soviet Union to
liberalize dozens of nations
from the Soviet Union’s
invasion, regaining freedom
for hundreds of millions
people in
Russia and East
Europe. Late
President Yelsin once
said:”It is impossible to
change the communism, the
only way is replacing it
Communist Party of Vietnam
has systematically acquired
and resold hundreds of
thousands of females
including under-aged kids to
the international sex rings
in the neighbor countries.
They have confiscated
properties of all religious
Churches, all citizens and
state properties including
national land and sea
territories and resourceful
mines of different kinds
under sea beds and resold
them to
China for billions of
dollars and to exchange them
for political protection. In
a worst sense, the CPV has
converted state-owned
properties of all kind into
Mafia CPV’s members’
ready in their hands, they
have freely robbed off
innocent, defenseless and
hopeless people to enjoy
their extremely luxury
sinful lives, days in and
nights out, throwing away
millions of dollars that
they had robbed from people
and from international
humanitarian and economic
development/ assistance
programs without sweating to
waste cash in casinos in
Hong Kong and adult
entertainment centers in
Malaysia…They do not
want to spend those
free-loading cash that they
bribed and earned via
various corruption channels
Vietnam because fun
games are still limited in
Vietnam and they want
more exciting games at
international casinos and
entertainment centers. When
their cash coffins are
depleted due to their
carelessness or
forgetfulness these coffins
are immediately refilled and
overflowed without a single
have deprived all people’s
rights of freedom and
democracy using secret and
uniformed police, prisons
and horrific tortures. They
have persecuted, physically
assaulted Mennonite
Ministers Nguyen Hong Quang,
Nguyen Cong Chinh,
Ngo Hoai No. They
have demolished Catholic
churches, charity
organizations, Catholic
schools at all levels and
torn down with no mercy the
peacefully solitary
residences of the most
respected Buddhist Venerable
and Buddhist Hoa Hoa leaders
such as Thich Thien Minh,
have physically assaulted
the leadership of Buddhist
Hoa Hoa Church such as Mr Le
Van Soc, Nguyen Van Tho.
Specifically, last TET
New Year), the CPV
launched their second TET
offensive 2007 (similar to
TET offensive of 1968) to
imprison hundreds of
peaceful activists who had
participated in campaigns
demanding democracy and
human rights for Vietnamese
people inside
Vietnam such as
Nguyen Ngoc Quang, Pham Ba
Hai, Attorneys Le Quoc Quan,
Nguyen Van Dai, le Thi Cong
Nhan, novelist Tran Khai
Thanh Thuy, etc.
whole world was shocked and
outraged while witnessing
Father Thaddeus Nguyen Van
Ly’s mouth was smothered
tightly while he was
denouncing “Down with the
Communist (Party of
Vietnam)” during his trial
and other 4 activists who
have been all demanding
democracy and human rights
for Vietnamese people. No
other trial has ever been
considered more than
barbaric, uncivilized and
unlawful than Father Ly’s
trial. A month already
passed by, now Father Ly and
hundreds of other democracy
activists are being shackled
in dark, isolated, crowded
and horribly smelly solitary
jail cells full of human
urine and feces. Hungriness
and feeling of being
physically and mentally
terrorized have horribly
nailed down their skinny and
starving bodies on coldest
cement floors as I have
experienced myself during my
jail time in a variety of
communist prisons along
with repeated physical
assaults on my skinny and
starving body. These
democracy activists, now
prisoners, are lacking
everything such as sun
light, clean drinking water
and air to breathe. They are
making friends with millions
of starving wild “malaria”
mosquitoes and aggressive
blood sucking lice.
ancestors once said “One day
in jail is longer than a
thousand years to live
freely outside”. The
communist prisons are much
more horrific compared to
the above scenario. It is my
hand-on experience as I was
jailed in various communist
isolated jail cells for
years. I swear to God to be
absolutely honest in my
heart in my statements.
beings are stepping into and
moving forward to the third
millennium with lot of
potentials for global
interdependence and mutual
cooperation. However, the
CPV still shackles
Vietnamese people as their
own slaves. It needs
hundreds of year so
Vietnam can be
advanced economically,
technologically and
ethically as Singagore, a
few dozen of years to catch
up with
Thailand in all
Father Thaddeus ever
committed any crimes against
humanity? Is his demand for
authentic and verifiable
democracy and human rights
for his people who have been
currently under horrible
repressions in
Vietnam totally
wrong? Is his demand for
freedom of religion/ faith,
freedom of speech,
protesting against the CPV’s
outdated and backward
totalitarian dictatorship
regime all wrong? Is his
demand for respect of
people’s dignity wrong?
On the
other hand, is the
back-and-knees- bending
philosophy to accept all
social inequalities,
dishonesty and frauds in
Vietnam in order to
be left alone, be selfishly
comfortable staying away
from CPV’s harassments and
be easily granted exit visas
to travel around the world
to solicit contributions for
their selfish churches
ethical enough and socially
accepted by any social and
ethical standards?
Critically speaking, is the
sheepish silence, dastardly
weaknesses of powerful
leaders in some Churches
(specifically Vietnam
Conference of Catholic
Bishops…) in front of
immoral Comunist Party of
Vietnam in a
completely ethically and
legitimately rusted society
that tolerates and nourishes
crimes, systematic
corruption and prostitution
be ethically accepted?
Witnessing the weak,
defenseless and unprotected
people who currently suffer
hopelessly in the middle of
cruel oppression, being
physically assaulted by
armed robbers such as
Mennonite Minister Nguyen
Cong Chinh or homeless
people’s properties being
robbed off by the CPV or
fellow citizens being
arrested or imprisoned, but
keeping mouths real shut and
stepping away to other side
of the roads and pretending
being completely blind
seeing nothing on the roads
to go straight without
thinking, without worrying
to help victims are
ethically and socially
tolerated and accepted? I
mean spiritual leaders of
Vietnam Conference of
Catholic Bishops, who keep
silent without explanations
for years while Father
Thaddeus Nguyen Van Ly has
been in jails for most of
his life and was recently
sentenced to 8 years in
prison and 5 years of home
confinement. Other 4
democracy activists were
sentenced to 6, 5 and 2
years of prison and years of
home confinement and
famous lesson of the Good
Samaritan that a man who was
attacked and robbed and left
to die by the side of a
road. Later, a priest saw
the stricken figure and
avoided him, presumably in
order to maintain
ritual purity.
Similarly, a
Levite saw
the man and ignored him as
well. Then a
passed by, and, despite the
mutual antipathy between
Samaritans and the Jewish
population, he immediately
rendered assistance by
giving him first aid and
taking him to an inn to
recover while promising to
cover the expenses. He gives
the innkeeper two
coins equal to an entire
day’s wages for an average
laborer. I am crying out
loud to reiterate this
interesting story in the
Bible while I pay absolute
respect and sympathy to
Father Thaddeus Nguyen Van
Ly and his 4 democracy
activists who are current
being left dying in prisons
without enough air to
breathe and clean water to
respectfully would dare to
challenge all of you and
each of you to provide
American and Vietnamese
people with your most
objective and workable
solutions to my critical
questions and concerns
today. These extremely
painful scenarios of
injustice, inequalities,
systematic corruption, giant
rings of human trafficking
of females and under-aged
kids, robbing people’s
properties that they work
their whole miserable lives
to earn them, etc. are
vividly happening in every
second in
Vietnam now. Please
remember that.
who care about
Vietnam and
Vietnamese people and be
proud of over 4000 years of
Vietnamese culture have been
badly suffering similar
thorniest pain in every
single minute. Everybody is
witnessing and acknowledging
the systematic destructions
Vietnam, hiding
themselves tactfully and
skillfully under very deep
faking and flashing
prosperities in big cities
in Vietnam such as Hue,
Saigon and
Hanoi. Everybody sees
and understands the
destruction morally,
socially and politically in
Vietnam now but only
very few people and very few
young intellectuals in
Vietnam dare to speak
up their concerns,
interventions or protests.
And they all have been put
in jails.
To sum
it up and make a conclusion,
I would like to say briefly
that my pains and concerns
about horrible persecutions
Vietnam still remain
unsolved. Please accept my
profound appreciation to
your kind attention to my
presentation today. May God
bless you and your loved
ones. Thank you.
Catholic Chaplain of
Vietnamese Marine
English version by Viet Si
Spokesman, International
Movement for Democracy and
Human Rights in
Quebec, Canada and
San Jose, California, USA
Excerpt of the
Constitution of the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam unanimously
approved by the 8th National
Assembly on April 15th,
1992 at 11:45AM.
Article 50
In the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam human rights in the
political, civic, economic,
cultural and social fields are
respected. They are embodied in
the citizen's rights and are
determined by the Constitution
and the law.
Article 51
The State guarantees the rights
of the citizen; the citizen must
fulfill his duties to the State
and society.
Article 53
The citizen has the right to
participate in the
administration of the State and
management of society, the
discussion of problems of the
country and the region; he can
send petitions to State organs
and vote in referendums
organized by the State.
Article 58
The citizen enjoys the right of
ownership with regard to his
lawful income, savings, housing,
chattel, means of production
funds and other possessions in
enterprises or other economic
organizations; with regard to
land entrusted by the State for
use, the matter is regulated by
the provisions of Articles 17
and 18.
Article 69
The citizen shall enjoy
freedom of opinion and
speech, freedom of the
press, the right to be
informed, and the right to
assemble, form associations
and hold demonstrations in
accordance with the
provisions of the law.
Article 70
The citizen shall enjoy
freedom of belief and of
religion; he can follow any
religion or follow none. All
religions are equal before
the law.
Article 71
The citizen shall enjoy
inviolability of the person
and the protection of the
law with regard to his life,
health, honor and dignity.
No one can be arrested in
the absence of a ruling by
the People's Court, a ruling
or sanction of the People's
Office of Supervision and
Control except in case of
flagrant offences. Taking a
person into, or holding him
in, custody must be done
with full observance of the
law. It is strictly
forbidden to use all forms
of harassment and coercion,
torture, violation of his
honor and dignity, against a